Saturday, August 15, 2009

2.) Important things to realize about emotional abuse

Here is a list of things that I've located on the internet that pertain to emotional abuse, specifically how to reconginize it and begin coping with it. The list is by no means comprehensive, and isn't meant to diagnose any problems, but it might help with coming to terms with exactly what is happening to you or someone close to you.

Emotional Abuse can include:
~destructive criticism
~humiliation in public, or private
~threatening to "out" you, aka disown you, leave you, kick you out etc.
~making you feel ashamed
~using the silent treatment against you
~demoting your opinions, beliefs or feelings, or disreagarding them entirely.
~making fun of you, or bullying you
~threatening to harm your property including your belongings, pets etc.
~oversteping personal boundaries, unecessary prying etc.
~Deliberately using a "hot to button" of yours to try and get a rise out of you, or beat you into submission verbally.
~making you feel crazy
~insult of your friends, significant other, or parents
~unwillingness to compromise
~extreme emotional reactions to things that don't warrant them.
~unwillingness to do anything that isn't on their terms
~making you feel guilty when you didn't do anything

Emtional Abusers Include:
~sinificant others
~dating relationships as well as married couples

You have to remember that the abuse is not your fault. The abuser's primary reason for being abusive is not clear either, and you shouldn't try to reason it out in some way. The ony thing you can tell yourself that will help is that NO ONE deservesto be abused emotionally (or in any other way for that matter) and what is happening to you is WRONG by any and all accounts. You are not to blame, you couldn't have h elped the matter any, thinking like "If only I..." or "Well it's because she/he..." doesn't help you, and just because the ansswer may seem valid, it still doesn't make abuse right.

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